Mike is coordinating the Sunday evening workouts for Arlington Masters. The workouts include a range of sets and drills designed for triathletes, open water swimmers, and distance swimmers.
The workouts below represent the first 5 weeks of the program leading up to our first 1k time trial on February 2. The emphasis during this period is simple base building. More advanced workouts will begin as we approach the springtime.
LOCATION: Washington & Lee PoolTIME: 6:00 - 7:30pmVIDEO: I will set up the underwater camera around 7:00pm for those who want to see video of their stroke. The videos will be posted to our YouTube channel.
POST-WORKOUT FOOD: The after workout location for this week is DISTRICT TACO on Lee Hwy. We'll review your swim video on the iPad while we are at the restaurant.
January 5
Comments: Time to get back
in the water after the holidays. Goal for the next few weeks is to work on
rebuilding endurance, strength, and technique. These workouts will be
500 Warm Up
4 x 50 – Single Arm Drill (Using kickboard, swim
25 with just the right arm, 25 with just the left)
400 – descend by 100
8×75 - kick/drill/25 hard @ 1:15
10×50 - 25 FAST!/25 easy @ :45
300 pull (3/5 breathing pattern by 100). RI = 20 SEC
8×75 - kick/drill/25 hard @ 1:15
10×50 - 25 FAST!/25 easy @ :45
300 pull (3/5 breathing pattern by 100). RI = 20 SEC
300 free
15×50 @ :40/:60 (1 FAST/1 easy/2 FAST/1 easy/3 FAST/1 easy/5 FAST 1 easy)
400 pull (3/7 breathing pattern by 50)
400 free
15×50 @ :40/:60 (1 FAST/1 easy/2 FAST/1 easy/3 FAST/1 easy/5 FAST 1 easy)
400 pull (3/7 breathing pattern by 50)
400 free
200 cool-down
*4800 yards total*
January 12
Comments: We continue the
early season build up with a range of drills to work on technique and strength
building. Hopefully this workout
provides some variety in your training plan.
500 Warm Up
x 25 Tarzan Drill – no walls, tread water. RI = 20 seconds
free - moderate
w/:10 rest (25 Drill/25 Swim)
@ 2:15 (25 fly or breast stroke/125 Build)
@ :30 (Descend Stroke Count 1-3, 4-6, etc)
@ 1:40 (25 FAST!/50 easy/25 FAST!)
@ :30 (Breathe 2x only/1x only/none, repeat 4 times)
@ 1:15 (25 Underwater as far as you can/50 Ascend)
@ :30 (breast stroke arms with freestyle kick, head out of water. Visualize a
buoy turn)
SPRINT! @ 1:10 – lots of rest
Pull (@4:00 interval)
Moderate, 85% effort
cool down
*4800 yards total*
January 19
Comments: Tonight’s workout
focuses on breath control with a couple of hypoxic drills and alternate
breathing sets. The ladder is intended to build up your endurance base, with a
focus on strength building in your pull. Bring paddles if you have them.
500 Warm Up
x 100 Free - swim 4 strokes with head out of water and 4 strokes with head in
water (do not take a breath while head is in water). Rest Interval = 30 seconds
5 x 100 - Hypoxic
drills: breathe every 3,5,7,9. RI = 30
Main Set: Ladder of 2300 yards
200/300/400 alternate breathing -
smooth and balanced, not fast
500: moderate pace, 85% of threshold
(~1:15/100 pace for Lane 6). Save your arms for the rest of the ladder
400/300/200 paddles or pull - focus
on strength in your stroke, not speed
Speed Set:
10 x 100 @ 90% effort, RI = 10
seconds (@ 1:25 interval lane 6). This is a “broken” 1000. Keep the heart rate high,
but don’t blow up. These aren’t sprints.
300 Cool Down
*4800 yards total
January 26
Comments: This is a tough workout intended to prepare
for our time trial next week. This workout focuses on simulating the variable
intensities experienced in open water racing. Be sure to focus on the specified
up tempo in the 200′s and visualize yourself battling in a race environment!
500 Warm up
10 x 50 (odds catch up
drill/evens distance per stroke)
Main Set: Pick an
interval for lane and hold throughout set:
2:45 for lane 6.
Intermediate lanes may
do sets of 3 intervals.
4 x 200 (1st 100
hard/2nd 100 relaxed)
4 x 200 (middle 100 hard/ end 50’s relaxed)
4 x 200 (1st 100 relaxed/2nd 100 fast)
4 x 200 (hard)
4 x 200 (middle 100 hard/ end 50’s relaxed)
4 x 200 (1st 100 relaxed/2nd 100 fast)
4 x 200 (hard)
50 easy
4 x 100 pull or
200 warm down
**4850 yards total
February 2 – Time trial 1000
The goal of today is to
establish a baseline time trial time as a starting point for your 2014 season. It
is still early in the season and most of you are still in the base building
portion of your year. You are likely way below your peak fitness level, so don’t
worry about logging a fast time; this TT is valuable regardless of where your
fitness is.
500 Warm Up
First Set:
6 x 50 Drill. Fingertip drag
down, Distance per stroke back
5 x 50: Tarzan down/Kick back
100 easy – stretch out
Main Set:
1000 Time trial
200 easy
Drills Set:
x 50 yards goggle recovery drill: swim down with eyes closed and goggles around
neck, swim back on back with breast stroke kick replacing goggles. RI = 15 sec
6 x 75: 25 free moderate/25
back/25 free moderate. RI = 15 sec
x 100 free with breast stroke every 6th stroke.
RI = 20 sec
- Alternate breathing to each side
- Sighting once per lap
400 – descend by 100. Finish
the workout hard!
300 - Cool down
**4700 yards total
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